Part Datasheet Search > Logic Gates > 74F240 Datasheet PDF
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74F240 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:74F240 Series
Category:Logic Gates
Description:Buffer/Line Driver 8CH Inverting 3-ST Bipolar 20Pin PDIP W Rail
Document:74F240PC Datasheet PDF (12 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 11:45:29 (UTC + 8)

74F240 Logic Gates Datasheet PDF

74F240 Datasheet PDF Logic Gates

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Buffer/Line Driver 8CH Inverting 3-ST Bipolar 20Pin SOP Rail
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Buffer/Line Driver 8CH Inverting 3-ST Bipolar 20Pin PDIP W Rail

74F240PC - Fairchild Specifications

Mounting Style
Through Hole
Number of Pins
20 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
5.00 V, 5.50 V (max)
Number of Outputs
8 Output
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74F240PC - Fairchild Function Overview

General Description
The 74F240, 74F241 and 74F244 are octal buffers and line drivers designed to be employed as memory and address drivers, clock drivers and bus-oriented transmitters/receiv ers which provide improved PC and board density.
■3-STATE outputs drive bus lines or buffer memoryaddress registers
■Outputs sink 64 mA (48 mA mil)
■12 mA source current
■Input clamp diodes limit high-speed termination effects
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