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74HC139 Pinout Diagram

Part Series:74HC139 Series
Category:Logic ICs
Description:NXP 74HC139D Decoder / Demultiplexer, HC Family, 2 Gate, 2Input, 8 Output, 5.2mA, 2V to 6V, SOIC-16
Document:74HC139D,653 (18 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/11/10 03:20:11 (UTC + 8)

74HC139D - NXP Specifications

Mounting Style
Surface Mount
Number of Pins
16 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
2.00V (min)
Number of Outputs
8 Output
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74HC139D - NXP Function Overview

The 74HC139D is a 2-to-4 dual Decoder/Demultiplexer decodes two binary weighted address inputs (nA0, nA1) to four mutually exclusive outputs (nY0\ to nY3\\). Each decoder features an enable input (nE\\). When nE\ is high all outputs are forced high. The enable input can be used as the data input for a 1-to-4 demultiplexer application. Inputs include clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in excess of VCC.
Demultiplexing capability
Multifunction capability
Suitable for memory decoding, data routing or code conversion
Complies with JEDEC standard No. 7A
Active low mutually exclusive outputs
CMOS Input levels
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