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AD537 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:AD537 Series
Description:Integrated Circuit Voltage-to-Frequency Converter
Document:AD5370BCPZ Datasheet PDF (30 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 11:47:31 (UTC + 8)

AD537 Datasheet PDF

30 Pages
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DAC 40CH Resistor-String 14Bit 100Pin CSP-BGA Tray
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ANALOG DEVICES AD5373BCPZ Digital to Analogue Converter, 14Bit, 540KSPS, Serial, 2.5V to 5.5V, LFCSP, 64Pins
10 Pages
ANALOG DEVICES AD537JH Voltage to Frequency Converter, 150kHz, 0Hz to 150kHz, 0.05%, 5V to 36V, TO-100, 10Pins
10 Pages
ANALOG DEVICES AD537KD Voltage to Frequency Converter, 150kHz, 0Hz to 150kHz, 0.15%, 4.5V to 36V, TO-116, 14Pins
10 Pages
ANALOG DEVICES AD537JD Voltage to Frequency Converter, Precision Oscillator System, 150kHz, 0Hz to 150kHz, 0.15%
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VFC Non-Sync 150kHz 10Pin TO-100 Tube
10 Pages
ANALOG DEVICES AD537SD Voltage to Frequency Converter, Precision Oscillator System, 150kHz, 0Hz to 150kHz, 0.05%
9 Pages
VFC Non-Sync 150kHz 10Pin TO-100 Tube
9 Pages
VFC Non-Sync 150kHz 14Pin CDIP Tube
8 Pages
Integrated Circuit Voltage-to-Frequency Converter

AD537 - ADI Function Overview

Product Details
The AD537 is a monolithic V-F converter consisting of an input amplifier, a precision oscillator system, an accurate internal reference generator and a high current output stage. Only a single external RC network is required to set up any full-scale (F.S.) frequency up to 100 kHz and any F.S. input voltage up to ±30 V. Linearity error is as low as ±0.05% for 10 kHz F.S., and operation is guaranteed over an 80 dB dynamic range. The overall temperature coefficient (excluding the effects of external components) is typically ±30 ppm/°C. The AD537 operates from a single supply of 5 V to 36 V and consumes only 1.2 mA quiescent current.
A temperature-proportional output, scaled to 1.00 mV/K, enables the circuit to be used as a reliable temperature-to-frequency converter; in combination with the fixed reference output of 1.00 V, offset scales such as 0°C or 0°F can be generated.
The low drift (1µV/°C typ) input amplifier allows operation directly from small signals (e.g., thermocouples or strain gages) while offering a high (250 M(Ohm) input resistance. Unlike most V-F converters, the AD537 provides a square-wave output, and can drive up to 12 TTL loads, LEDs, very long cables, etc.
The excellent temperature characteristics and long-term stability of the AD537 are guaranteed by the primary bandgap reference generator and the low T.C. silicon chromium thin film resistors used throughout.
The device is available in either a TO-116 ceramic DIP or a TO-100 metal can; both are hermetically sealed packages.
The AD537 is available in three performance/temperature grades; the J and K grades are specified for operation over the 0°C to +70°C range while the AD537S is specified for operation over the extended temperature range, -55°C to +125°C.
### Features and Benefits
Low Cost A-D Conversion
Versatile Input Amplifier
Positive or Negative Voltage Modes
Negative Current Mode
High Input Impedance, Low Drift
Single Supply, 5 V to 36 V
Linearity: ±0.05% FS
Low Power: 1.2 mA Quiescent Current
Full-Scale Frequency up to 100 kHz
1.00 V Reference
Thermometer Output (1 mV/K)
F-V Applications
MIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions Available
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