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AD7626 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:AD7626 Series
Description:18Bit, 5MSPS PulSAR Differential ADC
Document:AD7626BCPZ-RL7 Datasheet PDF (36 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 10:17:47 (UTC + 8)

AD7626 - ADI Function Overview

Product Details
The AD7626 is a 16-bit, 10 MSPS, charge redistribution successive approximation register (SAR) based architecture analog-to-digital converter (ADC). SAR architecture allows unmatched performance both in noise (91.5 dB SNR) and in linearity (±0.45 LSB INL). The AD7626 contains a high speed, 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, and an internal buffered reference. On the CNV edge, it samples the voltage difference between the IN+ and IN− pins. The voltages on these pins swing in opposite phase between 0 V and REF. The 4.096 V reference voltage, REF, can be generated internally or applied externally.
All converted results are available on a single low voltage differential signaling (LVDS) self clocked or echoed clock serial interface, reducing external hardware connections.
The AD7626 is housed in a 32-lead, 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP with operation specified from −40°C to +85°C.
Digital imaging systems
– Digital X-ray
– Digital MRI
– CCD and IR cameras
High speed data acquisition
High dynamic range telecommunications receivers
Spectrum analysis
Test equipment
### Features and Benefits
Throughput: 10 MSPS
SNR: 91.5 dB
16-bit no missing codes
INL: ±0.45 LSB
DNL: ±0.35 LSB
Power dissipation: 136 mW
32-lead LFCSP (5 mm × 5 mm)
SAR architecture
No latency/pipeline delay
16-bit resolution with no missing codes
Zero error: ±1 LSB
Differential input range: ±4.096 V
See data sheet for additional features
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