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AD9864 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:AD9864 Series
Category:Specialty Application ICs
Description:ANALOG DEVICES AD9864BCPZ Special Function IC, IF Digitizing Subsystem, 10MHz to 300MHz, 2.7V to 3.6V, LFCSP-48
Document:AD9864BCPZRL Datasheet PDF (49 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 10:30:37 (UTC + 8)

AD9864 Specialty Application ICs Datasheet PDF

AD9864BCPZ - ADI Specifications

Mounting Style
Surface Mount
10MHz ~ 300MHz
Number of Pins
48 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
2.70V (min)
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AD9864BCPZ - ADI Function Overview

Product Details
The AD9864 is a general-purpose IF subsystem that digitizes a low level, 10 MHz to 300 MHz IF input with a signal bandwidth ranging from 6.8 kHz to 270 kHz. The signal chain of the AD9864 consists of a low noise amplifier (LNA), a mixer, a band-pass Σ-∆ analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a decimation filter with programmable decimation factor. An automatic gain control (AGC) circuit gives the AD9864 12 dB of continuous gain adjustment. Auxiliary blocks include both clock and local oscillator (LO) synthesizers.
The high dynamic range of the AD9864 and inherent antialiasing provided by the band-pass Σ-∆ converter allow the device to cope with blocking signals up to 95 dB stronger than the desired signal. This attribute often reduces the cost of a radio by reducing IF filtering requirements. Also, it enables multimode radios of varying channel bandwidths, allowing the IF filter to be specified for the largest channel bandwidth.
The SPI port programs numerous parameters of the AD9864, allowing the device to be optimized for any given application. Programmable parameters include synthesizer divide ratios, AGC attenuation and attack/decay time, received signal strength level, decimation factor, output data format, 16 dB attenuator, and the selected bias currents.
The AD9864 is available in a 48-lead LFCSP package and operates from a single 2.7 V to 3.6 V supply. The total power consumption is typically 56 mW and a power-down mode is provided via serial interfacing.
Multimode narrow-band radio products
\- Analog/digital UHF/VHF FDMA receivers
Portable and mobile radio products
SATCOM terminals
### Features and Benefits
10 MHz to 300 MHz input frequency
6.8 kHz to 270 kHz output signal bandwidth
7.5 dB single sideband noise figure (SSB NF)
−7.0 dBm input third-order intercept (IIP3)
AGC free range up to −34 dBm
12 dB continuous AGC range
16 dB front-end attenuator
Baseband I/Q 16-bit (or 24-bit) serial digital output
LO and sampling clock synthesizers
Programmable decimation factor, output format, AGC, and synthesizer settings
370 Ω input impedance
2.7 V to 3.6 V supply voltage
Low current consumption: 17 mA
48-lead LFCSP package
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