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LM1949 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:LM1949 Series
Category:Power Management
Document:LM1949N/NOPB Datasheet PDF (34 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 09:16:16 (UTC + 8)

LM1949 Power Management Datasheet PDF

LM1949N/NOPB - TI Specifications

Mounting Style
Through Hole
Number of Pins
8 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
3.00V (min)
Number of Outputs
1 Output
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LM1949N/NOPB - TI Function Overview

The LM1949N/NOPB is an Injector Drive Controller for use with throttle body injection and fuel injection. The linear integrated circuit serves as an excellent control of fuel injector drive circuitry in modern automotive systems. The IC is designed to control an external power NPN Darlington transistor that drives the high current injector solenoid. The current required to open a solenoid is several times greater than the current necessary to merely hold it open, therefore, the LM1949, by directly sensing the actual solenoid current, initially saturates the driver until the peak injector current is four times that of the idle or holding current (-). This guarantees opening of the injector. The current is then automatically reduced to the sufficient holding level for the duration of the input pulse. In this way, the total power consumed by the system is dramatically reduced.
No RFI radiation
Adaptable to all injector current levels
Highly accurate operation
TTL/CMOS compatible input logic levels
Short-circuit protection
High impedance input
Externally set holding current, IH
Internally set peak current (4 x IH)
Externally set time-out
Can be modified for full switching operation
1235mW Power dissipation
Device has limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
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