Part Datasheet Search > 16 Bit Microcontroller > MSP430 Application Note
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MSP430 Application Note

Part Series:MSP430 Series
Category:16 Bit Microcontroller
Description:16Bit Ultra-Low-Power MCU, 16KB Flash, 512B RAM, 10Bit ADC, USCI, Analog Comp, 56 I/Os, LCD Driver 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
Document:MSP430F4152IPMR Application Note (22 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/23 12:10:00 (UTC + 8)

MSP430 Application Note 16 Bit Microcontroller

11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, 12Bit ADC, USART 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
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16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 2KB Flash, 128B RAM, 10Bit SAR A/D, USI for SPI/I2C 14-TSSOP -40℃ to 85℃
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, 10Bit ADC, 1 USART 28-TSSOP -40℃ to 85℃
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
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MCU 16Bit MSP430 RISC 1KB Flash 2.5V/3.3V 20Pin TSSOP
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16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
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MSP430 MSP430F2xx Microcontroller IC 16Bit 16MHz 32KB (32K x 8 + 256B) FLASH 40-VQFN (6x6)
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16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40℃ to 85℃
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16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 1KB Flash, 128B RAM, 10Bit SAR A/D, USI for SPI/I2C 14-TSSOP -40℃ to 85℃y
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 8KB Flash, 256B RAM, 12Bit ADC, USART 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USARTs, HW multiplier 64-LQFP -40℃ to 85℃
11 Pages
16Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 4KB Flash, 256B AM, 10Bit ADC, 1 USA T 28-TSSOP -40℃ to 85℃
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MCU 16Bit MSP430 RISC 16KB Flash 2.5V/3.3V 20Pin PDIP
8 Pages
MCU 16Bit MSP430 RISC 16KB Flash 2.5V/3.3V 28Pin TSSOP

MSP430F4152IPMR - TI Specifications

Mounting Style
Surface Mount
8 MHz
Number of Pins
64 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
1.80V (min)
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MSP430F4152IPMR - TI Function Overview

The Texas Instruments ultra low-power microcontroller consist of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generator that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 6 µs
Low Supply-Voltage Range
Ultralow Power Consumption
16-Bit RISC Architecture
Five Power-Saving Modes
16-Bit RISC Architecture
Two Universal Serial Communication Interfaces (USCIs)
Supply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor With Programmable Level Detection
Integrated LCD Driver With Contrast Control for Up to 144 Segments
Basic Timer With Real Time Clock Feature
Brownout detector
On-Chip Comparator for Analogue Signal
Compare Function or Slope A/D
10-Bit 200-ksps Analogue-to-Digital (A/D) Converter
Serial Onboard Programming
Programmable Code Protection by Security Fuse
Bootstrap Loader
DOn-Chip Emulation Module
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