Part Datasheet Search > PCM1802 Datasheet PDF
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PCM1802 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:PCM1802 Series
Document:PCM1802DBR Datasheet PDF (39 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/24 12:35:40 (UTC + 8)

PCM1802 Datasheet PDF

28 Pages
105dB SNR Stereo ADC with Single-Ended Inputs 20-SSOP -40℃ to 85℃

PCM1802 - TI Function Overview

The PCM1802 is a high-performance, low-cost, single-chip stereo analog-to-digital converter with single-ended analog voltage input. The PCM1802 uses a delta-sigma modulator with 64-times or 128-times oversampling, and includes a digital decimation filter and high-pass filter (HPF), which removes the DC component of the input signal. For various applications, the PCM1802 supports master and slave modes and four data formats in serial interface. The PCM1802 is suitable for a wide variety of cost-sensitive consumer applications where good performance, 5-V analog supply, and 3.3-V digital supply operation is required. The PCM1802 is fabricated using a highly advanced CMOS process and is available in the DB 20-pin SSOP package.
24-Bit Delta-Sigma Stereo A/D Converter
Single-Ended Voltage Input: 3 VP–P
Antialiasing Filter Included
Oversampling Decimation Filter
Oversampling Frequency: ×64, ×128
Pass-Band Ripple: ±0.05 dB
Stop-Band Attenuation: –65 dB
On-Chip High-Pass Filter: 0.84 Hz (44.1 kHz)
High Performance
THD+N: 96 dB (Typical)
SNR: 105 dB (Typical)
Dynamic Range: 105 dB (Typical)
PCM Audio Interface
Master and Slave Mode Selectable
Data Formats: 24-Bit Left-Justified; 24-Bit I2S; 20-bit or 24-Bit Right-Justified
Sampling Rate: 16 kHz to 96 kHz
System Clock: 256 fS, 384 fS, 512 fS, 768 fS
Dual Power Supplies: 5 V (Analog), 3.3 V (Digital)
Package: 20-Pin SSOP
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