Part Datasheet Search > 16 Bit Microcontroller > PIC24FJ1024GB610 Datasheet PDF
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PIC24FJ1024GB610 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:PIC24FJ1024GB610 Series
Category:16 Bit Microcontroller
Description:MICROCHIP PIC24FJ1024GB610-I/PT 16Bit Microcontroller, Dual Partition Flash, PIC24FJ, 32MHz, 1Mb, 32KB, 100Pins, TQFP
Document:PIC24FJ1024GB610-I/PT Datasheet PDF (467 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 09:24:44 (UTC + 8)

PIC24FJ1024GB610-I/PT - Microchip Specifications

Mounting Style
Surface Mount
32 MHz
Number of Pins
100 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
2.00V (min)
Operating Voltage
2V ~ 3.6V
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PIC24FJ1024GB610-I/PT - Microchip Function Overview

The PIC24FJ1024GB610-I/PT is a high-performance PIC24F family eXtreme low power technology 16-bit Microcontroller packs powerful PIC®(RISC) architecture with up to 16 MIPS of performance at 3.3V with Intermediate code-guard security. This product offer all of the advantages of the well recognized high-performance x16 architecture with standardized features including 1024kB of addressable program memory size, 32768bytes of data memory size, 85 general-purpose I/O pins and 24-channel 10/12-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. This device operates at a maximum frequency of 32MHz with wide operating voltage of 2 to 3.6V.
XLP Technology for Sleep current at low as 20nA
Brown-out reset (BOR)
Low voltage detection (LVD)
Power on reset (POR)
Watch dog timer (WDT)
Hardware RTCC
8-Channel DMA
Three comparators
Charge time measurement unit (CTMU)
4x Configurable logic cells
Peripheral pin select (PPS)
full-speed USB 2.0 Device/Host/OTG
6x Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP)
4x Single-output capture compare PWM module (SCCP)
3x Multiple-output capture compare PWM module (MCCP)
Enhanced parallel Master/Slave port
Five 16-bit timers
Two 32-bit timers
Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Dual boot flash write
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