Part Datasheet Search > Operational Amplifiers(General Purpose) > TL084CN Pinout Diagram
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TL084CN Pinout Diagram

Part Series:TL084CN Series
Category:Operational Amplifiers(General Purpose)
Description:Operational Amplifier, Quad, 4 Amplifier, 3MHz, 13V/µs, 7V to 36V, DIP, 14Pins
Document:TL084CN Datasheet PDF (50 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/11/10 02:51:52 (UTC + 8)

TL084CN Operational Amplifiers(General Purpose) Pinout Diagram

TL084CN - TI Specifications

Mounting Style
Through Hole
Number of Pins
14 Pin
Supply Voltage (DC)
15.0 V
Supply Current
1.4 mA
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TL084CN - TI Function Overview

The TL084CN is a JFET input operational amplifier (op amp) in 14 pin DIP package. This device incorporates high voltage JFET and bipolar transistors in a monolithic integrated circuit. The device features high slew rates, low input bias, low offset currents and low offset voltage temperature coefficient.
Low power consumption of 1.4mA/channel
Wide common mode and differential voltage ranges
Unity gain bandwidth of 3MHz
High slew rate of 13V/µs
Supply voltage range from 7V to 36V
Low input bias current of 30pA
Low input offset current of 5pA
Output short circuit protection
High input impedance JFET input stage
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
This device has limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
Supply voltages larger than 36V for single supply or outside the range of ±18V for dual supply can permanently damage the device.
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