These devices are useful where large common-mode input signals exist, and in applications that require high-voltage isolation between circuits. Applications include line receivers, telephone ring detectors, power line monitors, high-voltage status indicators, and circuits that require isolation between input and output.
●The 6N138 and 6N139 high-gain optocouplers each consists of a GaAsP light-emitting diode and an integrated high-gain photon detector composed of a photodiode and a split-Darlington output stage. The VCC and output terminal may be tied together to achieve a conventional photodarlington operation. A separate base access terminal allows gain-bandwidth adjustments.
●The 6N138 is designed for use primarily in TTL applications. An LED input current of 1.6 milliamperes and a current-transfer ratio of 300% from 0°C to 70°C allows operation with one TTL load input and one TTL load output utilizing a 2.2-k pullup resistor.
●The 6N139 is designed for use in CMOS, LSTTL, or other low-power applications. This device has a minimum current-transfer ratio of 400% for only 0.5 milliampere input current over an operating temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.
● Compatible with TTL Inputs
● High Current Transfer Ratio . . . 800% Typ at IF = 0.5 mA
● High-Speed Switching . . . 100 kbit/s Typ
● High Common-Mode Transient Immunity . . . 500 V/us Typ
● High-Voltage Electrical Insulation . . . 3000 V DC Min
● High Output current Rating of 60 mA
● UL Recognized . . . File Number 65085