●The AD526 is a single-ended, monolithic software program mable gain amplifier (SPGA) that provides gains of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. It is complete, including amplifier, resistor network and TTL-compatible latched inputs, and requires no external components.
●Low gain error and low nonlinearity make the AD526 ideal for precision instrumentation applications requiring programmable gain. The small signal bandwidth is 350 kHz at a gain of 16. In addition, the AD526 provides excellent dc precision. The FET input stage results in a low bias current of 50 pA. A guaranteed maximum input offset voltage of 0.5 mV max (C grade) and low gain error (0.01%, G = 1, 2, 4, C grade) are accomplished using Analog Devices’ laser trimming technology.
●Digitally Programmable Binary Gains from 1 to 16
●Two-Chip Cascade Mode Achieves Binary Gain from 1 to 256
●Gain Error:
● 0.01% Max, Gain = 1, 2, 4 (C Grade)
● 0.02% Max, Gain = 8, 16 (C Grade)
● 0.5 ppm/8C Drift Over Temperature
●Fast Settling Time
● 10 V Signal Change:
● 0.01% in 4.5 ms (Gain = 16)
● Gain Change:
● 0.01% in 5.6 ms (Gain = 16)
●Low Nonlinearity: 60.005% FSR Max (J Grade)
●Excellent DC Accuracy:
● Offset Voltage: 0.5 mV Max (C Grade)
● Offset Voltage Drift: 3 mV/8C (C Grade)
●TTL-Compatible Digital Inputs
●1\. Dynamic Range Extension for ADC Systems: A single AD526 in conjunction with a 12-bit ADC can provide 96 dB of dynamic range for ADC systems.
●2\. Gain Ranging Preamps: The AD526 offers complete digital gain control with precise gains in binary steps from 1 to 16. Additional gains of 32, 64, 128 and 256 are possible by cas cading two AD526s.