●The AD9851 is a highly integrated device that uses advanced DDS technology, coupled with an internal high speed, high performance D/A converter, and comparator, to form a digitally programmable frequency synthesizer and clock generator function. When referenced to an accurate clock source, the AD9851 generates a stable frequency and phase-programmable digitized analog output sine wave.
●180 MHz Clock Rate with Selectable 6Reference Clock Multiplier
●On-Chip High Performance 10-Bit DAC and High Speed Comparator with Hysteresis
●SFDR >43 dB @ 70 MHz AOUT
●32-Bit FrequencyTuning Word
●Simplifi ed Control Interface: Parallel or Serial Asynchronous Loading Format
●5-Bit Phase Modulation and Offset Capability
●Comparator Jitter <80 ps p-p @ 20 MHz
●2.7 V to 5.25 V Single-Supply Operation
●Low Power:555 mW @ 180 MHz
●Power-Down Function,4 mW @ 2.7 V
●Ultrasmall 28-Lead SSOP Packaging
●Frequency/Phase-Agile Sine Wave Synthesis
●Clock Recovery and Locking Circuitry for Digital Communications
●Digitally Controlled ADC Encode Generator
●Agile Local Oscillator Applications in Communications
●Quadrature Oscillator
●CW, AM, FM, FSK, MSK Mode Transmitter