The ATAVRSBPR1 is an Atmel pressure one sensors Explained development board which utilizes a Bosch Sensortec digital absolute pressure sensor (BMP085) optimized for use in mobile phones, PDA"s, GPS navigation devices, and outdoor equipment. The sensor is interfaced via the I2C serial digital interface connected through a common header that is compatible with the full range of Atmel Explain MCU boards. The BMP085 is based on piezo resistive MEMS technology, giving high accuracy and linearity as well as long term stability. It also integrates a temperature sensor that can be used for compensation of the sensor output. The Atmel pressure one sensors Explained development board provides access to the latest generation of precision digital barometric pressure sensors.
● Compatible with all Atmel AVR Explain MCU boards
● High precision Bosch Sensortec digital pressure sensor (BMP085)
● Integrated temperature sensing
● All sensor drivers available within the Atmel AVR software framework
● Drivers include temperature compensation and altitude calculation
● All sensors interface via I2C port
●The sensor has a vent hole to allow it to sense atmospheric pressure. Do not insert any objects into the vent hole, as this may permanently damage the sensor.