The board has full pin break-out for easy wire wrap/proto-typing, 40 MHz operation, potentiometer connected to 10-bit A/D, analog input channel, temperature sensor, 8 LEDs, RS-232 port, and is serial bootloader ready. A 32 kHz crystal is included for real time clock demonstration.
●This low-cost demo board is the ideal complement to the MPLAB® ICD 2 In Circuit Debugger to evaluate the performance of Microchip high-end 8-bit microcontrollers of the PIC18F series.
●The board features a PIC18F8722 microcontroller, which is the superset of the entire 64- and 80-pin PIC18FXXXX general purpose family. A daughter board (mezzanine) is also part of the kit and allows different processors sharing the same pin out to be mounted and tested on the Explorer board.
●The same connector allows MPLAB ICE 4000 (and via an extension MPLAB ICE 2000) real-time in-circuit emulators to be attached to the board.
● PIC18F8722, 128K Flash, 80-Pin TQFP Microcontroller
● Full Pin Break-Out for Easy Wire Wrap/Proto-Typing
● Daughter Board and MPLAB ICE 2000/4000 Connector (With Switch to Disable on Board Processor)
● 10 MHz Crystal Oscillator (To Be Used with Internal PLL to Provide 40 MHz Operation)
● Convenient Connection for MPLAB ICD 2 (In-Circuit Debugger) for In-Circuit Programming and Debugging
● Power Supply Connector and Programmable Voltage Regulator, Capable of Operation from 2.0 to 5.5 V (Requires Any Standard 9-12 V Power Supply, Also Available Separately)
● Potentiometer (Connected to 10-Bit A/D, Analog Input Channel)
● Temperature Sensor Demo Included (Illustrates Microchip"s Award Winning TC74 Device)
● Eight LEDs (Connected to PORTD with Jumper Disable)
● RS-232 Port (9-Pin D Type Connector, UART1)
● Reset Button
● Bootloader Button
● PICtail™ Daughter Board Connector, to Allow Connection to Standard Expansion Boards
● Serial Bootloader Ready (See AN851)
● 32 kHz Crystal for Real Time Clock Demonstration