●The DS26LS31MQML is a quad differential line driver designed for digital data transmission over balanced lines. The DS26LS31MQML meets all the requirements of EIA Standard RS-422 and Federal Standard 1020. It is designed to provide unipolar differential drive to twisted-pair or parallel-wire transmission lines.
●The circuit provides an enable and disable function common to all four drivers. The DS26LS31MQML features TRI-STATE outputs and logically ANDed complementary outputs. The inputs are all LS compatible and are all one unit load.
●The DS26LS31 features a power up/down protection circuit which keeps the output in a high impedance state (TRI-STATE) during power up or down preventing erroneous glitches on the transmission lines.
●• Operation from Single 5V Supply
●• Outputs Won"t Load Line When VCC = 0V
●• Four Line Drivers in One Package for Maximum Package Density
●• Output Short-Circuit Protection
●• Complementary Outputs
●• Meets the Requirements of EIA Standard RS-422
●• Pin Compatible with AM26LS31
●• Glitch Free Power Up/Down