Ultra-low power consumption and low input-leakage current are the hallmarks of the LMC6042. Providing input currents of only 2 fA typical, the LMC6042 can operate from a single supply, has output swing extending to each supply rail, and an input voltage range that includes ground.
●The LMC6042 is ideal for use in systems requiring ultra-low power consumption. In addition, the insensitivity to latch-up, high output drive, and output swing to ground without requiring external pull-down resistors make it ideal for single-supply battery-powered systems.
●Other applications for the LMC6042 include bar code reader amplifiers, magnetic and electric field detectors, and hand-held electrometers.
●This device is built with TI"s advanced Double-Poly Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
●See the LMC6041 for a single, and the LMC6044 for a quad amplifier with these features.
● Low Supply Current: 10 μA/Amp (typ)
● Operates from 4.5V to 15V Single Supply
● Ultra Low Input Current: 2 fA (typ)
● Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
● Input Common-Mode Range Includes Ground
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