●The LMV93x devices are low-voltage low-power operational amplifiers that are well suited for today"s low-voltage and/or portable applications. Specified for operation of 1.8 V to 5 V, they can be used in portable applications that are powered from a single-cell Li-ion or two-cell batteries. They have rail-to-rail input and output capability for maximum signal swings in low-voltage applications. The LMV93x input common-mode voltage extends 200 mV beyond the rails for increased flexibility. The output can swing rail-to-rail unloaded and typically can reach 80 mV from the rails, while driving a 600-Ω load (at 1.8-V operation).
●• Qualified for Automotive Applications
●• 1.8-V, 2.7-V, and 5-V Specifications
●• Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
●– 600-Ω Load: 80 mV From Rail
●– 2-kΩ Load: 30 mV From Rail
●• VICR : 200 mV Beyond Rails
●• Gain Bandwidth: 1.4 MHz
●• Supply Current: 100 µA/Amplifier
●• Max VIO : 4 mV
●• Space-Saving Packages
●– LMV931: SOT-23 and SC-70
●– LMV932: SOIC
●– LMV934: SOIC