Part Datasheet Search > Voltage Regulators > ON Semiconductor > MC7915ACTG Datasheet PDF
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MC7915ACTG Specifications

MC7915ACTG Size & Package

MC7915ACTG Documents

ON Semiconductor
13 Pages / 1.17 MByte
ON Semiconductor
16 Pages / 0.3 MByte
ON Semiconductor
2 Pages / 0.05 MByte

MC7915 Documents

Three-terminale negative voltage regulator
3-Terminal 1A Negative Voltage Regulator
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = 0°C to +125℃, TO-220, SINGLE GAUGE, 3-LEAD, 50-TUBE
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = -40℃ to +125℃
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = 0°C to +125℃
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 2%; TJ = 0°C to +125℃, TO-220, SINGLE GAUGE, 3-LEAD, 50-TUBE
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 2%; TJ = 0°C to +125℃
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = 0°C to +125℃
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = -40℃ to +125℃
ON Semiconductor
Linear Voltage Regulator, Negative, 15V, 1A Vout: -15V; 4%; TJ = -40℃ to +125℃
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