●The REF02 precision voltage reference providesa stable5 V output that can be adjustedover a ±6% range with minimal effect on temperature stability. Single-supply operation over an input voltage range of7 V to40 V,low current drain of1 mA, and excellent temperature stability are achieved with an improved band gap design. Low cost, low noise,and low power make the REF02 anexcellent choice when ever a stable voltage reference is required. Applications include DACs and ADCs, portable instrumentation, and digital volt meters. The versatility ofthe REF02 is enhanced byits use as a monolithic temperature transducer. For new designs, refer to the ADR02.
●5 V output: ±0.3% maximum
●Temperature voltage output: 1.96 mV/°C
●Adjustmentrange: ±3%minimum
●Excellent temperature stability: 8.5 ppm/°C maximum
●Low noise: 15µV p-p maximum
●Low supply current: 1.4 mA maximum
●Wide input voltage range: 7 V to 40 V
●Highload-drivingcapability: 10 mA
●No external components
●Short-circuit proof