The SN65MLVD200D is a low-voltage differential Line Driver and Receiver complying with the proposed multipoint low-voltage differential signaling (M-LVDS) standard (TIA/EIA-899). This circuit is similar to their TIA/EIA-644 standard compliant LVDS counterparts, with added features to address multipoint applications. Driver output current has been increased to support doubly-terminated, 50R load multipoint applications. Driver output slew rates are optimized for signalling rates up to 100Mbps. Types 1 and 2 receivers are available. Both types of receivers operate over a common-mode voltage range of -1 to 3.4V to provide increased noise immunity in harsh electrical environments. Type-1 receivers have their differential input voltage thresholds near zero volts (±50mV) and include 25mV of hysteresis to prevent output oscillations in the presence of noise. Type-2 receivers include an offset threshold to detect open-circuit, idle-bus and other fault conditions.
● Controlled driver output voltage transition times for improved signal quality
● Type-1 receiver incorporate 25mV of hysteresis
● Type-2 receiver provide an offset (100mV) threshold to detect open-circuit and idle-bus conditions
● Propagation delay time typically 2.3ns for drivers and 5ns for receivers
● Power-up/down glitch-free driver
● Driver handles operation into a continuous short circuit without damage
● Bus pins high impedance when disabled or VCC
● Green product and no Sb/Br