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STPSC8H065DLF Datasheet PDF
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STPSC8H065DLF Specifications

STPSC8H065DLF Size & Package

STPSC8H065 Documents

ST Microelectronics
650V power Schottky silicon carbide diode
ST Microelectronics
STMICROELECTRONICS STPSC8H065G-TR Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode, SIC, 650V Series, Single, 650V, 8A, 23.5NC, TO-263
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STMICROELECTRONICS STPSC8H065B-TR Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode, SIC, 650V Series, Single, 650V, 8A, 23.5NC, TO-252
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Diode Schottky 650V 8A 2Pin TO-220AC Tube
ST Microelectronics
Diode Schottky 650V 8A 3Pin TO-220AB Tube
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650V power Schottky silicon carbide diode
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