The TC4422AVAT is a 5-pin single-output high speed MOSFET Driver for local power on/off switch and LF initiator. This device is intended to improve upon the current TC4422 9A MOSFET driver. This device is high-current, rugged and efficient buffer/driver capable of driving large MOSFETs and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). The TC4422A have matched output rise and fall times, as well as matched leading and falling-edge propagation delay times. The TC4422A device also have very low cross-conduction current, reducing the overall power dissipation of the device. This device is essentially immune to any form of upset, except direct overvoltage or over-dissipation. It cannot be latched under any conditions within their power and voltage ratings. These parts are not subject to damage or improper operation when up to 5V of ground bounce is present on their ground terminals.
● Latch-up immunity
● Matched rise and fall times
● Input withstands negative swings up to 5V
● High capacitive load drive capability of 10nF in 25ns
● 800mR Low output impedance
● Low supply current (450µA with logic 1 input)
● Can withstand up to 1.5A of output reverse current
● Reduced shoot through current
● Low shoot-through/cross-conduction current in output stage
●ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.