●The TC9400/TC9401/TC9402 are low-cost voltage-to-frequency (V/F) converters utilizing low power CMOS technology. The converters accept a variable analog input signal and generate an output pulse train whose frequency is linearly proportional to the input voltage.
●■ Choice of Guaranteed Linearity:
●TC9401 ......................................................... 0.01%
●TC9400 ......................................................... 0.05%
●TC9402 ......................................................... 0.25%
●■ DC to 100 kHz (F/V) or 1Hz to 100kHz (V/F)
●■ Low Power Dissipation .......................... 27mW Typ
●■ Single/Dual Supply Operation .................................+ 8V to + 15V or ±4V to ±7.5V
●■ Gain Temperature Stability ..........±25 ppm/°C Typ
●■ Programmable Scale Factor
●■ Operation ........................................... DC to 100 kHz
●■ Choice of Guaranteed Linearity:
●TC9401 ......................................................... 0.02%
●TC9400 ......................................................... 0.05%
●TC9402 ......................................................... 0.25%
●■ Programmable Scale Factor
●■ µP Data Acquisition
●■ 13-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converters
●■ Analog Data Transmission and Recording
●■ Phase-Locked Loops
●■ Frequency Meters/Tachometer
●■ Motor Control
●■ FM Demodulation