●These circuits are general-purpose operational amplifiers, each having high-impedance differential inputs and a low-impedance output.
●Component matching, inherent with silicon monolithic circuit-fabrication techniques, produces an amplifier with low-drift and low-offset characteristics. Provisions are incorporated within the circuit whereby external components may be used to compensate the amplifier for stable operation under various feedback or load conditions. These amplifiers are particularly useful for applications requiring transfer or generation of linear or nonlinear functions.
●The uA709A circuit features improved offset characteristics, reduced input-current requirements, and lower power dissipation when compared to the uA709 circuit. In addition, maximum values of the average temperature coefficients of offset voltage and current are specified for the uA709A.
●The uA709C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The uA709AM and uA709M are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.
●• Common-Mode Input Range . . . ±10 V Typical
●• Designed to Be Interchangeable With Fairchild µA709A, µA709, and µA709C
●• Maximum Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing . . . 28-V Typical With 15-V Supplies