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PIC16F1788 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:PIC16F1788 Series
Description:28KB Flash; 2KB RAM; 256B EEPROM; 12Bit ADC; 5Bit & 8Bit DAC; PSMC; OPAmp
Document:PIC16F1788-I/SP Datasheet PDF (494 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/23 12:52:42 (UTC + 8)

PIC16F1788 Datasheet PDF Microcontrollers

494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, Fa
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART
494 Pages
28KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 256B EEPROM, 12Bit ADC, 5Bit & 8Bit DAC, PSMC, OPAmp, FastComp, CCP, I2C/SPI, EUSART

PIC16F1788-I/SP - Microchip Specifications

Mounting Style
Through Hole
32 MHz
Number of Pins
28 Pin
Operating Voltage
2.3V ~ 5.5V
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PIC16F1788-I/SP - Microchip Function Overview

The PIC16F1788-I/SP is a 8-bit 28-pin Advanced Analogue Flash Microcontroller with high-performance RISC CPU. During interrupts, certain registers are automatically saved in shadow registers and restored when returning from the interrupt. This device has an external stack memory 15-bits wide and 16 words deep. A stack overflow or underflow will set the appropriate bit (STKOVF or STKUNF) in the PCON register and if enabled will cause a software reset. There are two 16-bit file select registers (FSR). FSRs can access all file registers and program memory, which allows one data pointer for all memory. There are 49 instructions for the enhanced mid-range CPU to support the features of the CPU. The enhanced mid-range core has a 15-bit program counter capable of addressing a 32k x 14 program memory space.
Flash program memory with self read/write capability
256-byte of EEPROM
4 x PSMC (programmable switch mode controller) - Dedicated 16-bit PWM
Digital or analogue feedback control of PWM frequency
Dead-band control or auto-shutdown and restart
4 x Fast comparators with selectable voltage reference
2 x Operation amplifiers (rail-to-rail input and output)
11 x 12-bit ADC with voltage reference
8-bit DAC
3 x 5-bit DAC
MI²C/SPI/EUSART with auto baud
3 x Compare-capture-PWM
Two 8-bit timer (TMR0/TMR2)
One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
Extended watchdog timer (EWDT)
25mA Source/sink current I/O
Enhanced power-on/off-reset
Brown-out reset (BOR)
In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™)
ESD sensitive device, take proper precaution while handling the device.
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