The AD581JH is a 3-pin, temperature compensated, monolithic, band gap Voltage Reference that provides a precise 10V output from an unregulated input level ranging from 12 to 30V. Laser wafer trimming (LWT) is used to trim both the initial error at +25°C as well as the temperature coefficient, resulting in high precision performance previously available only in expensive hybrids or oven regulated modules. The 5mV initial error tolerance and 5ppm/°C guaranteed temperature coefficient is available in a monolithic voltage reference. The band gap circuit design used in the AD581 offers several advantages over classical Zener breakdown diode techniques. Most important, no external components are required to achieve full accuracy and significant stability to low power systems. In addition, total supply current to the device, including the output buffer amplifier is typically 750µA.
● Laser trimmed to high accuracy
● Trimmed temperature coefficient
● Excellent long-term stability
● 1mA Maximum low quiescent current
● 10mA Current output capability
●Product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD.