●The AD841 is a member of the Analog Devices family of wide bandwidth operational amplifiers. This high speed/high precision family includes, among others, the AD840, which is stable at a gain of 10 or greater, and the AD842, which is stable at a gain of two or greater and has 100 mA minimum output current drive. These devices are fabricated using Analog Devices’ junction iso lated complementary bipolar (CB) process. This process permits a combination of dc precision and wideband ac performance previously unobtainable in a monolithic op amp. In addition to its 40 MHz unity-gain bandwidth product, the AD841 offers ex tremely fast settling characteristics, typically settling to within 0.01% of final value in 110 ns for a 10 volt step.
●Unity-Gain Bandwidth: 40 MHz
●Fast Settling: 110 ns to 0.01%
●Slew Rate: 300 V/
●Full Power Bandwidth: 4.7 MHz for 20 V p-p into a
●Input Offset Voltage: 1 mV max
●Input Voltage Noise: 13 nV/
●Open-Loop Gain: 45 V/mV into a 1 k
●Output Current: 50 mA min
●Supply Current: 12 mA max
●High Speed Signal Conditioning
●Video and Pulse Amplifiers
●Data Acquisition Systems
●Line Drivers
●Active Filters
●Available in 14-Pin Plastic DIP Hermetic Cerdip, 12-Pin
●TO-8 Metal Can and 20-Pin LCC Packages
●Chips and MIL-STD-883B Parts Available