The DAC161P997CISQ is a 16-bit Σ-Δ Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) for transmitting an analog output current over an industry standard 4 to 20mA current loop. It offers 16-bit accuracy with a low output current temperature coefficient and excellent long-term output current drift while consuming less than 190µA. The data link to the DAC161P997 is a 1-wire interface (SWIF) which allows sensor data to be transferred in digital format over an isolation boundary using a single isolation component. The DAC161P997 digital input is compatible with standard isolation transformers and optocouplers. Error detection and handshaking features within the SWIF protocol ensure error free communication across the isolation boundary. For applications where isolation is not required, the DAC161P997 interfaces directly to a microcontroller. This combination of specifications and features makes the DAC161P997 ideal for 2 and 4-wire industrial transmitters.
● Digital data transmission (no loss of fidelity)
● Pin programmable power-up condition
● Self adjusting to input data rate
● Loop error detection and reporting
● Programmable output current error level
● No external precision components
● Simple interface to HART modulator
● Long-term output current drift - 90ppmFS
● Total supply current - 190µA maximum
● Green product and no Sb/Br