Part Datasheet Search > HTC > MC34063AN Datasheet PDF
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MC34063AN Specifications

MC34063AN Size & Package

MC34063AN Documents

12 Pages / 0.41 MByte

MC34063 Documents

ON Semiconductor
Conv DC-DC 3V to 40V Non-Inv/Inv/Step Up/Step Down Single-Out 1.25V to 40V 1.5A 8Pin SOIC N T/R
ST Microelectronics
Buck, Boost Switching Regulator IC Positive or Negative Adjustable 1.25V 1 Output 1.5A (Switch) 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.9mm Width)
Conv DC-DC 3V to 40V Inv/Step Up/Step Down Single-Out 1.25V to 40V 1.5A 8Pin SOIC T/R
ST Microelectronics
Buck, Boost Switching Regulator IC Positive or Negative Adjustable 1.25V 1 Output 1.5A (Switch) 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.9mm Width)
ON Semiconductor
Conv DC-DC 3V to 40V Inv/Step Up/Step Down Single-Out 1.25V to 40V 1.5A 8Pin PDIP Tube
ST Microelectronics
Buck, Boost Switching Regulator IC Positive or Negative Adjustable 1.25V 1 Output 1.5A (Switch) 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.9mm Width)
ON Semiconductor
Conv DC-DC 3V to 40V Non-Inv/Inv/Step Up/Step Down Single-Out 1.25V to 40V 1.5A 8Pin SOIC N Rail
ST Microelectronics
Conv DC-DC Step Down/Step Up 3V to 40V 8Pin PDIP Tube
ST Microelectronics
Buck, Boost Switching Regulator IC Positive or Negative Adjustable 1.25V 1 Output 1.5A (Switch) 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.9mm Width)
Inverting Regulator 1.5A Boost/Buck/Inverting Switching Regulator Conv DC-DC 3V to 40V Inv/Step Up/Step Down Single-Out 1.25V to 40V 1.5A 8Pin SOIC Tube
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