The OM13086 is a LPC43S67 and A70CM Cloud Connectivity Kit provides a complete hardware and software platform for developers to evaluate and prototype with the LPC43S6x processor family in cloud connected applications based on IEEE802.11b/g wireless connectivity. The cloud connectivity kit gives developers everything they need to easily create, deploy and manage connected products utilizing Wi-Fi and cloud services, without the need for deep expertise in security, Wi-Fi stacks, device commissioning and cloud service APIs. It enables product companies to realize new, recurring business models with premium product features and services. Based on the LPC43S6x microcontroller and A70CM secure element, the kit combines hardware from NXP and Murata with the Zentri secure connected product platform to support all three key aspects of developing an IoT product of security and connectivity of the physical device, including cloud-based device management for provisioning and remote management.
● Secure, wireless connectivity to cloud services with minimal coding - Wi-Fi connectivity stack
● Secure device provisioning and management - Secure updates of physical device firmware
● APIs and tools for developing user applications for popular mobile devices
● Zentri IEEE 802.11b/g SD card (featuring Murata SN8000 module)
● Fully supported by ZentriOS
● High speed USB based debug probe with CMSIS-DAP and SEGGER J-Link OB protocol options
● NTAG plug-in card featuring NXP NT3H1201W0FHK forum type 2 tag with field detection pin and I²C
● High speed USB A/B connector for host or slave operation