The OPA2325 device is a dual, precision, low-voltage complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) operational amplifier optimized for very low noise and wide bandwidth when operating on a low quiescent current of only 650 µA.
●The OPA2325 features a linear input stage with zero-crossover distortion that delivers excellent common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of typically 114 dB over the entire input range. The input common-mode range extends 100 mV beyond the negative and positive supply rails. The output voltage typically swings within 10 mV of the rails.
●The zero-crossover distortion combined with wide bandwidth (10 MHz), high slew rate (5 V/µs), and low noise (9 nV/√Hz) make the OPA2325 a very good successive-approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) input driver amplifier. The low offset, and 0.2-pA input bias current make this device ideal for a wide range of precision applications with high-impedance sensors. The unique feature of interfacing to high-impedance sensors on the input and being able to drive ADC inputs with very little distortion make the OPA2325 suitable for various data acquisition and process control applications.
●In addition, the OPA2325 has a wide supply voltage range from 2.2 V to 5.5 V with excellent power-supply rejection ratio (PSRR) over the entire supply range, making the device suitable for precision, low-power applications that run directly from batteries without regulation.