The TPS62133RGTT is a synchronous step down (buck) DC to DC converter with fixed output in 16 pin QFN package. This easy to use DC to DC converter is optimized for applications with high power density. A high switching frequency of typically 2.5MHz allows the use of small inductors and provides fast transient response as well as high output voltage accuracy by use of DCS-Control topology. The TPS62133 is suitable for systems powered from either Li-ion or other batteries as well as from 12V intermediate power rails. The output voltage start-up ramp is controlled by soft start pin which allows operation as either standalone power supply or in tracking configurations. Power sequencing is also possible by configuring enable and open drain power good pins. During power save mode, the device draw quiescent current of about 17µA from VIN and during shutdown mode, the device is turned off and shutdown current consumption is less than 2µA.
● Fixed output voltage of 5V
● Output current of 3A
● Input voltage range from 3V to 17V
● Programmable soft start and tracking
● Seamless power save mode transition
● Selectable operating frequency
● Power good output and 100% duty cycle mode
● Short circuit and overtemperature protection
● Light load efficiency, voltage margining and output discharge
● Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
●This device has limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted or device should be placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to MOS gates.