The VCA810ID is a Wideband Voltage-controlled Amplifier that provides a differential input to single-ended output conversion with a high-impedance gain control input used to vary the gain over a -40 to +40dB range linear in dB/V. Operating from ±5V supplies, the gain control voltage for the VCA810 will adjust the gain from -40dB at 0V input to +40dB at -2V input. Increasing the control voltage above ground will attenuate the signal path to greater than 80dB. Signal bandwidth and slew rate remain constant over the entire gain adjust range. This 40dB/V gain control is accurate within ±1.5dB (±0.9dB for high grade), allowing the gain control voltage in an AGC application to be used as a Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with ±1.5dB accuracy. Excellent common-mode rejection and common-mode input range at the two high-impedance inputs allow the VCA810 to provide a differential receiver operation with gain adjust.
● High gain adjust range (±40dB)
● Differential in/single-ended out
● Low input noise voltage (2.4nV/√Hz)
● Constant bandwidth vs. gain
● High dB/V gain linearity (±0.3dB)
● Gain control bandwidth (25MHz)
● Low output DC error (<±40mV)
● High output current (±60mA)
● Low supply current (24.8mA)
● Green product and no Sb/Br
●IC can be damaged by ESD. We recommend that all ICs be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.