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RN2483 Datasheet PDF

Part Series:RN2483 Series
Category:Development Kits
Description:Daughter Board, 48MHz MCU, Dual 433/868MHz Antenna, UART/USB, Solder Pad for GPIO
Document:RN2483-I/RM095 Datasheet PDF (27 Pages)
Updated Time: 2023/09/27 11:32:11 (UTC + 8)

RN2483 Datasheet PDF Development Kits

20 Pages
Low Power Long Range Transceiver Module(868MHz)
20 Pages
Transceiver Module, WiFi with RF, SMD, Low-Power Long Range (LoRa®), 47Pin, Tray

RN-2483-PICTAIL - Microchip Specifications

434MHz, 868MHz
Core Architecture
Core Sub-Architecture

RN-2483-PICTAIL - Microchip Function Overview

The RN-2483-PICTAIL is a LoRa® technology PICtail™/PICtail Plus Daughter Board, development board that showcases the Microchip RN2483 low-power long range, LoRa® technology transceiver module. Development of an LoRa system with the RN2483 connected to Microchip"s PIC MCU line is possible on PIC18 Explorer boards via the 28-pin PICtail connector or on Explorer 16 boards using the 30-pin card edge PICtail Plus connector. The PICtail board also has an on-board PIC18 MCU available for custom user functions. It is pre-programmed to provide a simple USB-to-UART serial bridge enabling easy serial connection. Demonstration of the RN2483 is performed by plugging the daughter board into an USB port of a PC. The USB port powers the daughter board and enables the user to communicate using the RN2483"s simple ASCII command interface.
SMA connector for 433MHz and 868MHz band
Solder pads around the module for GPIOs, power pins and communication signals
Supply current measurement points
On-board LDO
UART traffic LEDs
ICSP header to program the on-board PIC18 MCU
USB connector
PICtail connection interface
PICtail Plus connection interface
PIC18 MCU for custom functions
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