●CA3130A and CA3130 are op amps that combine the advantage of both CMOS and bipolar transistors.Gate-protected P-Channel MOSFET (PMOS) transistors are used in the input circuit to provide very-high-input impedance, very-low-input current, and exceptional speed performance. The use of PMOS transistors in the input stage results in common-mode input-voltage capability down to 0.5V below the negative-supply terminal, an important attribute in single-supply applications.
●• Ground-Referenced Single Supply Amplifiers
●• Fast Sample-Hold Amplifiers
●• Long-Duration Timers/Monostables
●• High-Input-Impedance Comparators (Ideal Interface with Digital CMOS)
●• High-Input-Impedance Wideband Amplifiers
●• Voltage Followers (e.g. Follower for Single-Supply D/A Converter)
●• Voltage Regulators (Permits Control of Output Voltage Down to 0V)
●• Peak Detectors
●• Single-Supply Full-Wave Precision Rectifiers
●• Photo-Diode Sensor Amplifiers