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RoHS Compliance and Tripp Lite’s
Commitment to Environmental Responsibility
Declaration of Conformity
EU Directive 2011/65/EU
We, the undersigned, declare under our sole responsibility
that Tripp Lite product(s) containing one of the above logos on the packaging
conform to the Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
EU Directive 2011/65/EU
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, commonly known as RoHS, was adopted by the European Union in 2006.
The RoHS directive aims to restrict 10 substances commonly used in electronics and electronic equipment, including lead,
cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated byphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
RoHS helps to address the global situation of consumer electronics waste, an issue with products that become obsolete quickly
as new technology is developed. The directive helps reduce damage to the environment and harm to the population where
much of the world’s “high-tech trash” ends up. By preventing lead-based solders, harmful ingredients in plastics and other toxic
components from going into landfills, contamination of soil and ground water is reduced. People are protected from exposure
that could result in neurological, developmental and reproductive changes.
Although RoHS is a European directive, it affects the entire globe because many electronics are marketed and sold worldwide.
The vast majority of Tripp Lite products are RoHS compliant, reflecting our commitment to environmental responsibility. To
determine if a product sold by Tripp Lite conforms to the RoHS directive, simply look for the “RoHS COMPLIANT” logo on the
product’s web page or on the product packaging.
Our most popular solutions in every product category are RoHS compliant. Examples from each category are shown on the
second page of this document.
Tripp Lite, Div of Trippe Mfg. Co.

P500-015 Documents

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