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Ordering information STM8S103F2 STM8S103F3 STM8S103K3
108/118 DocID15441 Rev 12
Temperature range
[ ] -40°C to +85°C or [ ] -40°C to +125°C
Padding value for unused program memory (check only one option)
OTP0 memory readout protection (check only one option)
[ ] Disable or [ ] Enable
OTP1 user boot code area (UBC)
0x(_ _) fill in the hexadecimal value, referring to the datasheet and the binary format below:
OTP0 memory readout protection (check only one option)
[ ] Disable or [ ] Enable
OTP2 alternate function remapping for STM8S103K
Do not use more than one remapping option in the same port. It is forbidden to enable both
AFR1 and AFR0.
[ ] 0xFF Fixed value
[ ] 0x83 TRAP instruction code
[ ] 0x75 Illegal opcode (causes a reset when executed)
UBC, bit0
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit1
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit2
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit3
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit4
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit5
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit6
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set
UBC, bit7
[ ] 0: Reset
[ ] 1: Set

STM8S103K3T6C Documents

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STM8S103K3T6 Documents

ST Microelectronics
Access line, STM8S 8Bit MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, 10Bit ADC, timers, USART, SPI, I²C
ST Microelectronics
MCU 8Bit STM8 CISC 8KB Flash 3.3V/5V 32Pin LQFP Tray
ST Microelectronics
MCU 8Bit STM8 CISC 8KB Flash 3.3V/5V 32Pin LQFP T/R
ST Microelectronics
Access line, STM8S 8Bit MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, 10Bit ADC, timers, USART, SPI, I²C
ST Microelectronics
Access line, STM8S 8Bit MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, 10Bit ADC, timers, USART, SPI, I²C
ST Microelectronics
Access line, STM8S 8Bit MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, 10Bit ADC, timers, USART, SPI, I²C
ST Microelectronics
Access line, 16MHz STM8S 8Bit MCU, up to 8 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM
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