The OPA548T is a high-voltage and high-current Operational Amplifier, ideal for driving a wide variety of loads. A laser-trimmed monolithic integrated circuit provides excellent low-level signal accuracy and high-output voltage and current. The OPA548T device operates from either single or dual supplies for design flexibility. In single-supply operation, the input common-mode range extends below ground. The OPA548T device is internally protected against over-temperature conditions and current overloads. In addition, the OPA548T device was designed to provide an accurate, user-selected current limit. Unlike other designs, which use a resistor in series with the output current path, the OPA548T device senses the load indirectly. This allows the current limit to be adjusted from 0 to 5A with a resistor and potentiometer or controlled digitally with a voltage-out or current-out DAC. The enable/status (E/S) pin provides two functions.
● 3A Continuous, 5A peak high-output current
● Wide output voltage swing
● Thermal shutdown and adjustable current limit protection
● Output disable control
● Thermal shutdown indicator
● 10V High slew rate
● Low quiescent current
● Green product and no Sb/Br
●Device has limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.